Providing professionals with the information they need to feed babies safely.

- Flow Rate Info

- Flow Rate Info

Get access to the latest and most accurate flow rate information available

  • There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of bottles & nipples on the market.

    And new products every day. It is totally overwhelming.

  • There is no regulation of nipple labels.

    This means that healthcare professionals have no way of knowing which bottle and nipple is the right choice for each of the babies they care for.

  • Flow rate matters

    The wrong flow rate may lead to unsafe feedings that worsening a baby’s medical condition, inefficient feedings, or may jeopardize breastfeeding.

  • Healthcare professionals

    need up-do-date, unbiased, and reliable information to make evidenced-based product selections to provide the best care possible.

  • Infant Feeding Labs

    tests and evaluates infant bottles and nipples using validated, innovative methods.

  • We provide healthcare professionals

    with the data they need to help babies have safe, comfortable feedings and help families meet their breastfeeding goals.

Tell me what you want to know!

Complete the form below to let me know what products you want tested or what you need information about.

Make a donation

While membership fees cover the basics, we have a lot of ideas about how to provide even more valuable information to parents and professionals. We welcome your donation to help us make that a reality. Please note that donations are not tax deductible.

Donations to Infant Feeding Labs are not tax deductible.